Prayer for the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023

PDear Father, we thank you for bringing us safely through another year here at STARS Family Services.

Thank you that we shed our masks and were able to return to work this year.

Thank you for the STARS Resale Shop and the Twice is Nice Resale Shop.

Thank you for the team of people who work at STARS Family Services, each one sharing life with our residents.

Thank you for every resident and every family.

Thank you for those who were able to find respite with us.

Thank you for the first ever Art Show and for how you make each one of us creative in our own unique way.

Thank you for church and Jesus.

Thank you for food.

Thank you for tulips.

Thank you for the firepit.

Thank you for warm houses on cold winter nights.

Thank you for Run for the STARS.

Thank you for cool houses in the heat of summer.

Thank you for summer camps.

Thank you for pumpkins.

Thank you for birthdays.

Thank you for all the friends we have at STARS Family Services.

Thank you that we can't stop saying thank you.

In Jesus's name, amen.